Cell Phones/Smart Watches/Electronic Devices
All students may have cell phones on school grounds and school buses, at school-sponsored activities and while under the supervision of district employees. Students may use cellular phones on school campuses before school begins and after school ends. These devices must be kept out of sight (in backpacks or given to the teacher to hold) and turned off in the classroom during school hours.
Unauthorized use of cell phones distracts from the learning environment. School officials, including classroom teachers, may take devices away from students for inappropriate use. Repeated unauthorized use of such devices may lead to disciplinary action.
Students and parents are reminded that during an emergency, cellular sites may be overwhelmed due to a high volume of calls. Should this occur, emergency communication could also be affected. Cell phones and other devices must be used sparingly so that emergency services have priority to assist the students and staff on the site.
Students may not wear smartwatches (such as an Apple Watch) at school unless needed for medical purposes. If the student needs this type of watch for after-school activities it should be taken off during the school day and stored with his/her cell phone.
Theft or loss of such devices will not be investigated by school personnel. Students bring such devices at their own risk.